Animals are reflections of our own healing process.

Energy Healing For Animals

When I work with your pets, I use energy balancing, emotional release work, and chakra cleansing that align with the energy flow of your pet. Clearing out and releasing trapped emotions from your animal’s body can make a huge difference in their lives, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

All things are made of energy, which means they contain prana. The understanding is that if there are disturbances to the energy bodies of a being, ‘dis-ease’ will follow.

Benefits of Energy Healing For Pets

Helps them overcome :

Lethargy or tiredness, Hyperactivity or reactivity, Resource guarding or Trust issues, Anger toward other dogs or people, Postoperative discomfort

Energy healing can be used alongside veterinary treatment, as it does not in any way interfere with the treatment but can help speed up the healing process, de-stress a sick animal, and ease any pain the animal is suffering. It is an ideal complementary therapy for all animals (and humans). It is non-invasive, painless, stress-free, and can even be given at a distance. It heals animals at all levels and goes directly to the source of the problem, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual; it can be used to maintain health and well-being and heal illness, injuries, and emotional problems.

In this session, I’ll be connecting with your pet to do an energetic scan to clean, clear, and balance their chakras by using "prana", “light” and crystals to harmonize and heal the body. I send the healing energy to the pet, which helps the body to self-repair and tap into its innate ability to heal itself. It is a very effective and powerful healing modality that allows pets to be healed in the most convenient way possible. We can heal them in the comfort of their homes.

  • The healing session happens on a zoom video call

  • The duration of the session is 60 min

60 Min | Energy Healing For Animals $120

“Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them and they heal together.”